Download Ebook The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
Download Ebook The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
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"A gem of a book . . . may be Sherman Alexie's best work yet" (New York Times)"It's humane, authentic and, most of all, it speaks" (Guardian)"Funny, frank and engaging" (Evening Standard)"A remarkable tale that is sure to resonate and lift spirits of all ages to come" (USA Today)"Emotionally spring-loaded, linguistically gymnastic and devastatingly funny" (San Francisco Bay Guardian)
In his first book for young adults, Sherman Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist who leaves his school on the Spokane Indian Reservation to attend an all-white high school. This heartbreaking, funny, and beautifully written tale, featuring poignant drawings that reflect the character's art, is based on the author's own experiences. It chronicles contemporary adolescence as seen through the eyes of one Native American boy.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 272 Seiten
Verlag: Andersen; Auflage: 9 (29. Januar 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1783442018
ISBN-13: 978-1783442010
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 12 - 17 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 2 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.3 von 5 Sternen
40 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 2.091 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Sicht meines Sohnes: Wir mussten dieses Buch für den Englisch Unterricht kaufen und jeden einzelnen Kapitel mussten wir mit mind. einer Seite Zusammenfassen, daher könnte meine Bewertung etwas voreingenommen sein. Aber im ganzen ist das ein schönes Buch, welches man mal lesen kann, um seine englisch Kenntnisse aufzufrischen. Die Handlung finde ich unterhaltend und fesselnd und die Art und Weise, wie das erzählt wird ist auch schön mitzulesen.
I laughed, I smiled sadly, I admired the witty cartoons - in short, I loved it. I'm a trainee teacher for English as a Foreign Language and I had to read this book over the holidays for a course in teaching methodology. On the last day of the holidays I realised I still hadn't read it, not even ordered it. So I downloaded it on my kindle and settled down to read. Three hours later I closed the kindle cover (not like a real book cover, but the feeling is similar) with a happy-sad grin. We were supposed to read the novel as a possible book to read in school, but I also really loved it for myself. It is funny, clever, tragic and has an authentic ring to it. I would recommend it not only for teenage readers, but also for adults. It is also a great book to read in school, what with the issues of being caugth between cultures, teenage problems, bullying, poverty, and friendship.
Das Buch liest sich sehr gut. Auch für Menschen geeigent, die über durchschnittliche Englischkenntnisse verfügen. Es macht einerseits viel Freude, das Buch zu lesen. Andererseits stimmt es auch sehr nachdenklich, nämlich was den Ureinwohnern Amerikas immer noch an Ungerechtigkeiten angetan wird. Unterstützt wird die Botschaft des Buches durch die vielen originellen Cartoons.
The following evaluations reflect exclusively the opionion of the named studentsThe novel "The Absolutely true Diary of a Part- Time Indian' by Alexie Sherman tells the story of a Native American boy Arnold Spirit who leaves his reservation to find a better life. Arnold Spirit, called Junior, is an outsider with some physical and psychological deficits.After a conversation with his teacher he decides to go to a rich white-people school, because he doesn't want to end like his tribal members who are all ruined by poverty and alcohol. His best friend Rowdy hates him for changing school. Through the course of the novel many dramatic incidents happen to him and his family. In the end he feels assured of his culture and origin and he even gets along with his Indian friend Rowdy again who could not understand his decision to leave the rez. The main characters are the Indian Junior, his family and his friend Rowdy.The main topics deal with problems of Indians and the differences between being an individual and a member of a group. The book is easy to read, but not very exciting. ***Three of five starsJonathan Lichtenfeld, Niklas Fix, Markus Ehser - Kronberg-Gymnasium Aschaffenburg 9A"The absolutely true Diary of a part time Indian" written by Alexie Sherman is a novel about a Native American boy in the age of 14 years who decides to leave his reservation in order to attend another school. His only friend in the reservation is very angry and upset about that. But at his new school - in a town named Reardan -, he finds some new friends and a girlfriend. But then there are a lot of deaths in his life and he is very depressed....We did really like the book, because it is a very great mix of serious topics, funny and sad parts. In one moment he feels great and on minute later he gets the news that his sister died. The protagonist describes the life in the reservation very drastically and hard. He talks about alcoholism, violence and dead in the reservation. But there are also parts where he is very happy because he won a very important basketball game.So the mixture of issues is well done and we really can give you the advice to buy the book. It's woth buying it.Mauel Müller, Matthis Holzheu, Philipp Sauer - Kronberg-Gymnasium Aschaffenburg 9AJunior is a Native American, living in an Indian reservation with his family. He is disabled and gets bullied by the other Indians. His former best friend Rowdy hates him, because he decides to go to a "white" school, after his teacher advised him to leave the reservation to get a better education and find more hope. In that new school he gets more self-esteem because he finds new friends. The main character in the book is Arnold 'Junior' Spirit as well as his friends Rowdy, Penelope with whom he falls in love, Roger and Gordy.The author wants to inform the readers about the Indian's life in the reservation and the possibility to reach the aims you really want to reach.We think the book shows the life of Junior realistically but the way the story is told is not very interesting, so I can't recommend it for people who like action or adventure stories.We would give 3 of 5 stars because the actually nice story is told in a quite boring way.Felix Jüngst,Sebastian Göhler,Fabian Bauer,Paul Häcker - Kronberg-Gymnasium Aschaffenburg 9AThe novel 'The absolutely true story of a part time Indian' by Sherman Alexie is about an Indian Reservation boy searching for his identity and place in society.At the beginning of the story Junior, the main character, has just little self esteem and is dissatisfied with his Indian origin and culture. He wants to find hope outside the rez and tries to fight his hopeless situation. On his way to improve his situation he decides to change schools and so his entire life. While trying this very much happens which finally makes him realize that he belongs to two worlds and that there is no need to be ashamed of this.The book is recommandable for teen readers because it reflects the difficult problems a teenager in his puberty could experience. The message which is displayed in the book is that life is a struggle between being individual and being part of a group. The book deals with positive and negative issues, but finding solutions for social problems predominate.All in all an interesting book, containing qiete a lot of moral concepts which might be helpful in life. It deserves 4 stars out of 5.Pauline Frankenberg, Max Müller - Kronberg-Gymnasium Aschaffenburg 9AThe novel by Alexie Sherman,who is an Indian himself, is treating several serious topics in a funny way. The main character is Junior, a boy of about 14 years, who has got a friend called Rowdy. They are as different as day and night: Junior is a shy person, a little disabled and a real outsider. His friend Rowdy is aggressive and beats up everybody. Junior's family is very poor and Junior struggles for happy moments in the rez. This is not easy, particularly because his dad shot his pet dog because of not having enough money to take him to the vet. One day he smashes a book in his teachers face and is suspended from school.However his teacher advices him to change to a white school to realise his dreams. Now he is a target at the new school as well... I would recommend the book because it is very interesting to read and it contains main topics for teenagers e.g. poverty, alcohol and drugs . It is also suitable for people with an average knowledge of English.Jona Stoll, Simon Geiger, Moritz Christl, Niklas Stenger - Kronberg-Gymnasium Aschaffenburg 9AThe book "The absoulutely true diary of a part-time Indian" written by Alexie Sherman is about a boy called Arnold Spirit Junior who is a Spokane Indian attending a white school. He tells in a funny way about being poor, his first love and his search for identity and self-esteem.The main characters are of course Junior, his best friend Rowdy who is aggressive boy with drunk parents.In his new school outside the rez Junior is an outsider, because he is physically and mentally disabled and he gets beaten up by everyone. The friendship between Rowdy - who stays in the rez - and Junior is very difficult to keep but in the end both of them accept each other and each others way of life.The book is written in a very funny way - supported by cartoons. We loved the book because you learn something about the life in Indian reservations, their culture and problems. Furthermore the story tells you to keep up your dreams and to never give up. In my opinion this book should be read by everyone.Helena Mirea, Teresa Brehm, Hillebrand Pauline, Paula Keller, Anna Schlauersbach, Kronberg-Gymnasium Aschaffenburg 9A
Dieses Buch kam sehr gut im Englischunterricht an. Es werden neben dem historischen Hintergrund viele Themen angesprochen, wie Essstörungen, Alkoholismus, Gewalt und Rassismus. Die Comics bilden eine hervorragende Grundlage diese Themen zu besprechen und der lockere Umgangston des Protagonisten wirkt für die Schüler sehr ansprechend.
Als ich las, dass es von konservativen, frömmelnden Eiferern aus einigen US Schulen verbannt wurde, wusste ich, dass ich es lesen musste. Der tragikomische, halb-biographische Roman von Sherman Alexie erzählt vom Bemühen seines Protagonisten, der Trostlosigkeit des Spokane Reservates zu entfliehen. Es ist eine ehrliche, ungeschönte Geschichte, die zugleich sehr erbaulich geraten ist. Das Einzige was mich gestört hat, war, dass sie so kurz war.
Das Buch wirkt wie für Teenager und doch ist es auch und gerade für Erwachsene! Die Themen sind sehr anspruchsvoll und geben viel Gesprächsstoff und viel zum nach denken! Gutes Buch für Buchclub und zum austauschen!
This is one of the most endearing books I have read in years. I bought it for school, together with The Giver (dull!!) and Holes (too long) and it was far better. It is the very touching story of Arnold Spirit, also called Junior, who lives together with his mum and dad on a dirt-poor reservation. But ultimately it is about survival, hope and love and his cartoons are wonderful. A must-read! All my pupils have loved the book - full points!
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